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OCTOBER HALF TERM Multi Sports Camp at Quinton House School

<p>Drop off is 9:30 in the Sports Hall unless you have booked the Extended Hours option in which case someone will be there from 8:30 to welcome you. </p><p>Entrance is to be made via the main gate, the Sports Hall is halfway up the drive on your right. Our coaches will be waiting to welcome you and register your child(ren).</p><p>If you are paying through a Childcare Scheme, please contact us to check we are registered with your provider and to get details of how to pay</p> <p>Our Multi Sport Camps are all about having fun, building confidence and keeping active!</p><p>Days will consist of team games such as Dodgeball and Capture the Flag, adventure games like Sardines and Manhunt, and getting to try some new things like Kin Ball or Slacklining</p><p><br></p><p><em>*If you wish to pay through a Childcare Scheme, please contact us to check we are registered with your</em><em> provider and for further details of how to arrange payment *</em><em></em></p><p><em><br></em></p>
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Quinton House School

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